PUBLIC EVENTS 2015 ~ 2016

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Educational Approaches to Buraku Issues
Christopher Bondy, Associate Professor of Sociology and the Coordinator for Japan Studies at International Christian University, Tokyo
18:30-20:00, February 12, 2016
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lunch Time Talk
The Affective Management of Work Environments in Japan
Lorraine Plourde, Assistant Professor of Media, Society, and the Arts and Anthropology at Purchase College, SUNY
12:00-13:30, January 29, 2016
Room 322 (ICC Meeting Room), 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Building Bridges or Barriers?:
Religion in the East and West
Mark David Luttio, Assistant Professor of Media, Society, and the Arts and Anthropology at Purchase College, SUNY
18:30-20:00, January 18, 2016
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture invites you to a film screening and a discussion session with Eiji Oguma (Professor, Faculty of Policy Management at Keio University)
(Tell the Prime Minister)
(Eiji OGUMA: Direction, Production, English Subtitles)
17:30-, January 15, 2016
Room 414, 4F, Building 2, Sophia University Yotsuya Campus

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Nidhi Srinivas, Associate Professor of Nonprofit Management at the New School
18:30-20:00, January 12, 2016
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Searching for the Missing Women in War-Prone Society of Medieval Japan
Hitomi Tonomura, Professor of History and Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
18:30-20:00, December 17, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
“Murakami Haruki, World Literature and Kafka on the Shore ”
Reiko Abe Auestad, Professor, University of Oslo
17:00-18:30, December 11, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

The Institute of Comparative Culture (ICC) at Sophia University invites you to a special book launch:
Documentary Film Showing:
Written, produced and directed by Andrew David Field & Jud Willmont
17:00-18:00, December 10, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University
A Century-Long Journey through Shanghai’s Nightlife Subcultures
James Farrer, Professor of Sociology and Global Studies at Sophia University
Andrew David Field, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs at Duke Kunshan University
18:30-20:00, December 10, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
In cooperation with the Ohara Institute for Social Research, Hosei University
Reverse Sequencing of Labor and Environmental Movements:
Taiwan and South Korea
Hwa-Jen Liu, Associate Professor of Sociology at National Taiwan University, and author of Leverage of the Weak: Labor and Environmental Movements in Taiwan and South Korea (2015)
18:30-20:00, December 8, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Research Unit “3.11 as Crisis and Opportunity” Youth Activism in Post-War Japan: Workshop Series
In light of the rise of youth activism in Japan today, this series will invite specialists on youth culture and political activists in order to give us a fuller comparative context to understand the shape, distinctiveness and significance of the current moment.
The Rise of Youth Activism in Taiwan and Hong Kong
Kinman Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hwa-Jen Liu, Associate Professor of Sociology at National Taiwan University
Moderator: David H. Slater, Sophia University
13:00-16:00, December 5, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Book Launch
Disasters and Social Crisis in Contemporary Japan:
Political, Religious, and Sociocultural Responses
Edited by:
Mark R. Mullins, University of Auckland
Koichi Nakano, Sophia University
18:30-20:00, November 30, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015 for SORW
Legacies of the Japanese Empire by ICC Research Unit on Postcolonial Asian Cities
The Untold History of Taiwanese Migration Under the Japanese Flag, 1895-1945
17:00-19:00, November 27, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Building 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Geophysical Gifts and Dangers in Japan:
Toward an Anthropology of the Earth
Emily Sekine, PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at The New School in New York City
18:30-20:00, November 24, 2015
L-912, 9F Library Building, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015 for SORW
Reflections on the Study of Japanese Literature in Germany
Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit, Professor of Japanology (Literature and Cultural Studies) at Freie Universitat Berlin
17:00-19:00, November 17, 2015
Room L-821 (BF, Library), Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Research Unit “3.11 as Crisis and Opportunity” Youth Activism in Post-War Japan: Workshop Series
In light of the rise of youth activism in Japan today, this series will invite specialists on youth culture and political activists in order give us a fuller comparative context to understand the shape, distinctiveness and significance of the current moment.
Naoko Koda, Kinki (Kindai) University
Chelsea Szendi Schieder, Meiji University
Hiroe Saruya, Sophia University
Takemasa Ando, Musashi University
David H. Slater, Sophia University
13:00-16:00, November 14, 2015
Room 301, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Contemporary China-North Korea relations
Can China give up on North Korea?
Seong-Hyon LEE, Assistant Professor at the Center for Asia-Pacific Future Studies, Kyushu University
18:30-20:00, November 12, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
What has Karoshi got to do with Fukushima disaster?
Rika Morioka, Ph.D. Sociologist in Medical and Cultural Sociology
18:30-20:00, November 11, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
60 Years of Tomiyama Taeko's Art
Laura Hein, teaches Modern Japanese History at Northwestern University in Chicago Illinois
18:30-20:00, October 20, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
to Equal Marriage: How a minority won a majority
Tiernan Brady, Political Director of Yes Equality / the policy officer of The GLEN
18:30-20:00, October 5, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Networked Citizen Science Movements after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Yasuhito Abe, Assistant Professor in the Department of Media, Journalism, and Communications at the Faculty of Social Studies at Doshisha University
18:30-20:00, July 24, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Otaku and the Politics Of Imagination
Patrick W. Galbraith, received a Ph.D. in Information Studies from the University of Tokyo, and is currently pursuing a second Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology at Duke University
18:30-20:00, July 22, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Research Unit "Japanese Text in Motion" Presents an International Workshop:
Translation and Japanese literary studies
18:30-20:00, July 18, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Panel Discussion
A panel discussion on sustainability: Rethinking Sustainability after 3.11
19:00-21:00, July 17, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Yatô Tamotsu, the Japanese Photographic Male Nude, and Future Gay Nostalgia
Jonathan M Hall, Assistant Professor of Media Studies, Pomona College
18:00-19:30, July 10, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture presents
Drawing attention to remote areas of Dolakha through ethnographic film, “A Life with Slate” and a report from the Director, Dipesh Kharel
Dipesh Kharel, Independent documentary filmmaker from Nepal
18:30-20:00, July 7, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Of Wallflowers, Idols and Role Models:
Harisenbon and Female Comedians in Japan
Till Weingärtner, Visiting Fellow Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture
18:30-20:00, June 29, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University IGC and ICC jointly present
The Politics of Voice and Silence:
Panel Discussion on Media Openness and Historical Revisionism in Contemporary Japan
Andrew Gordon, Professor of History, Harvard University
David McNeill, Journalist and Lecturer, Sophia University
Koichi Nakano, Professor of Political Science, Sophia University
Takashi Uemura, Journalist and Lecturer, Hokusei Gakuen University
Mina Watanabe, Secretary General, Women’s Active Museum for War and Peace
Tomomi Yamaguchi, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Montana State University
15:00-17:30, June 28, 2015
Room 508, Bldg. 2, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Research Unit "3/11 as Crisis and Opportunity" Invites you to a showing of
(フタバから遠く離れて 第二部 ©ドキュメンタリージャパン/ビックリバーフィルムズ)
a film screening and discussion with the director Atsushi Funahashi
18:00-20:30, June 26, 2015
Room 508, Bldg. 2, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
The Socialist Modern at Rest and Play:
New Perspectives on the Legacies of the Japanese Empire
Robert Winstanley-Chesters, University of Cambridge (Beyond the Korean War)/ University of Leeds
18:30-20:00, June 29, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia Symposium 2015 (This symposium is hosted by ICC Research Unit on "Postcolonial Asian Cities.")
New Perspectives on the Legacies of the Japanese Empire
Hosted by ICC Research Unit on "Postcolonial Asian Cities"
10:45-17:30, June 19, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Discover Japan Campaign and the Marketing of Mediatic Ambiance
Tomiko Yoda, Takashima Professor of Japanese Humanities in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University
18:30-20:00, June 17, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Confraternities and Parishes in Early Modern Nagasaki
Carla Tronu, Visiting Researcher at ICC
18:30-19:30, June 4, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
UNESCO and the Promotion of Japanese Cuisine
Theodore Bestor, Harvard University, currently a Visiting Fellow at ICC
18:30-20:00, June 2, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
From Exotic Demon to Queer Savior:
The Textual Transformations of Amakusa Shirō
Rebecca Suter, Senior lecturer in Japanese Studies at the University of Sydney and Author of Holy Ghosts: The Christian Century in Modern Japanese Fiction
(Hawai’i University Press, 2015)
18:30-20:00, May 19, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University
Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Research Unit on “3.11 as Crisis and Opportunity” presents
A Field Report and Response Plan from Disaster Stricken Nepal by Habitat for Humanity Japan
Habitat for Humanity Japan staff who have just returned from Kathmandu, Nepal will give a field report about the recent Nepal Earthquake and on-going response plan
Shintaro Yamamoto, Program Manager, Habitat for Humanity Japan
Yoshiko Tokuchi, Program Coordinator, Habitat for Humanity Japan
17:30-19:00 (in English), 19:30~21:00 (in Japanese), May 15, 2015
Room 508, Building 2, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture (ICC) presents An evening with the Asian Rural Institute (ARI)
How an NPO leadership training program can impact values in order to bring about broader change in communities
Moderator: David Slater, Professor, Sophia University
Commentator: Richard Gardner, Professor, Sophia University
Tomoko Arakawa, ARI Director
Sarajean Rossitto, ARI Assessment Project Coordinator, Nonprofit NGO consultant
Zacivolu Rhakho, India, Training Program Graduate, ARI Staff Member
Rev. Timothy B. Appau, Ghana, Training Program Graduate, ARI Staff Member, Chaplain
19:00-21:00, April 28, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Comics and Companion Species
Thomas Lamarre, teaches in East Asian Studies and Communications Studies at McGill University
18:30-20:00, April 27, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture invites you to a panel
Journeys Along the Atomic Highway:
History, Politics, Performance and Memoir
Robert Jacobs, Hiroshima Peace Institute of Hiroshima City University
Julie Salverson, Department of Drama, Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario
Peter C. van Wyck, Communication and Media Studies, Concordia University in Montréal, Quebec
17:00-19:30, April 20, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University

Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2015
Humor and the Law
Laura E. Little, Professor, Charles Klein Professor of Law and Government, Temple University School of Law, Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA
18:30-20:00, April 15, 2015
Room 301, 3F, Bldg. 10, Sophia University