Nov. 19, 2022
11:00 AM Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
On Zoom
Please register from HERE
Thailand is a center of global gastronomy in Southeast Asia. This edition of the Future of Eating Out webcast takes us to Thailand in a discussion with food scholar and gastronome Dharath Hoonchamlong. We will discuss global and regional trends affecting the restaurant business in Thailand, including COVID. Dharath will discuss how sustainability concerns have changed the hospitality industry before, during and after the pandemic. Related topics include greenwashing, education, climate crisis and its effects. Dharath will share his experiences opening and closing business during the pandemic, including the challenges of introducing sustainability to the bar community in Thailand. These experiences provide insights into social issues in the Thai food world, including inequality in workplace and work conditions, misconducts, ethics, and inclusivity.
Dharath Hoonchamlong is a food scholar who explores and involves himself with all things food and sustainability through multidisciplinary approaches. He holds an MA in Food Studies from New York University. He was the environmental manager at Bo.lan. He also co-founded “wasteland” which is known as Thailand’s first sustainable bar. He works in various areas from waste management, circular economy with farmers and communities, events, product development, connecting people to solve food issues, communications, and sometimes dabbles in food writing.
Photos by the courtesy of the speaker, Mr. Dharath Hoonchamlong
The Future of Eating Out Lecture Series: Buffeted by COVID, climate change, labor shortages, and other stressors, the food and beverage industry around the world is in crisis and transition. How are practices of eating out changing? Where are restaurants, street vendors, and other eateries headed? This is a series of lectures and dialogues with food researchers and practitioners to see where the global business of eating out is headed during and after the COVID crisis. Looking at eateries on different scales from gourmet restaurants to street vendors, we hope to gain insights that can be shared across national and local contexts. This online series is organized by the Global Food Project of the Institute of Comparative Culture at Sophia University and the New York University Nutrition and Food Studies, with funding from Sophia University. Lectures will be held on zoom, recorded and made available to interested viewers around the world.